Meet Dr Lisa Giusiana

Chiropractor • Naturopath • Functional Medicine Practitioner

Are you suffering day after day with annoying health issues that no one seems to be able to understand, pin-point why you’re having, or offer any long-lasting solutions that actually help you?

If so, you’re in good company!

You see. . .I used to be right where you are now. I’ve lived with the struggles of debilitating fatigue, gut wrenching abdominal pain, bloating and chronic diarrhea, my hair falling out and breaking off, brain fog and difficulty concentrating, mood swings, insomnia, break outs, hormonal imbalances, and weight gain around my middle that just wouldn’t budge.

I was baffled, desperate and hopeless.

dr lisa giusiana

I don’t know about you, but I tried everything. I went to doctors, I was scanned, scoped, poked, prodded, and medicated. I tried holistic and alternative modalities, herbs, supplements, vitamins, IV’s, hormones and crazy modalities I can’t even explain.

I was desperate for relief and no matter what I tried, I just wasted money with no relief or I actually got worse!

What if I told you there was a better way?

Imagine finally figuring out WHY you’ve been dealing with the fatigue, weight gain, tummy trouble or hormonal disarray has been wreaking havoc on your body and running your life. And then being able to use that valuable data to navigate out of the maze.

Functional Medicine is a dynamic system of correlating symptoms with cutting edge science-based testing to detect and correct the underlying causes that are fueling the metabolic chaos you so desperately wish to leave in your past.

Using a solid nutritional base, targeted supplement protocols and healthy lifestyle interventions, we aim to not only overcome what’s bothering you but truly uplevel your health.

My Core Values

As your partner in health, I strive to bring you the best that natural medicine has to offer.

a little about me

Health and nutrition have intrigued me since I was a little girl. . .almost like it was part of my destiny.

I began my career in the healing arts back in 1991 when I studied Massage Therapy, Chinese Medicine, Personal Training and Nutrition. 

Progressing to formal education, I graduated with Honors as a Doctor of Chiropractic from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1999, now renamed Southern California University of Health Sciences. 

I was introduced to Functional Medicine and began using that as my primary model of healing in private practice, far before it was mainstream.

Desiring a deeper understanding of the body and natural healing, I pursued a second post graduate degree as a Doctor of Naturopathy from the International College of Holistic Studies, now called the California College of Natural Medicine.

Since then, I have continued my education in the areas of Functional Blood Chemistry, Functional Endocrinology, gastrointestinal health, brain health, whole food nutrition, Applied Clinical Nutrition, I have built a thriving private practice in Orange County, California.

I am a mom, I foster and adopt rescue cats, I absolutely love really good espresso and strive to take great care of myself and my patients.


Throughout the past 5 or so years, I have collaborated with Lisa on patients and she has been an amazing support system! She is truly passionate about natural health and very knowledgeable on supplements and with strategies of improving health. She is very kind and patient and any person would be lucky to work with her! I highly recommend Lisa to anyone looking to fine tune their health and well being.

next steps

If you're ready to uplevel your health, here are a few options for working with Dr Lisa


one-on-one telehealth

Consult privately with Dr Lisa about your case, order labs, enjoy discounted supplements and ongoing support

self-paced courses

Maybe you’re the independent type and just want access to protocols, supplements and diet plans

online group programs

Join an online group program where Dr Lisa walks you through her exact 3D process she uses in practice